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On July 2, 2019, Nicholas Coppola, MD, CEO of the Mental Health Association of Indian River County, FL (MHA) compassionately addressed the Indian River County (IRC), FL County Commissioners questioning why his organization, advocating for a school violence and suicide prevention program for ten Indian River County schools, received no funding from the Children’s Services Advisory Council (CSAC).

At the County Commission meeting, Mr. Robert Schlitt, Jr – Member-at-Large of CSAC indicated that “Some of the reason the Committee decided not to allocate to MHA…quite honestly the presentation made by Mental Health was less than optimal. We weren’t clear on exactly what they wanted to do with their program.”

Despite discussion between the Commissioners on how they might find funding for the MHA request, they voted unanimously to approve CSAC’s recommended allocations, so as not to interfere with their recommendations. Commissioner Peter O’Bryan said: “It was unfortunate this was not funded.”

Shortly thereafter ... [READ MORE]



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