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How to work From Home Successfully

Writer's picture: SheanaFirthSheanaFirth

Updated: Jan 20, 2021

COVID19 has, without a doubt, changed the way we do things. From having groceries delivered to "seeing" your doctor from your home, we are all living through the broader effects this virus has brought to our lives. One of the most drastic differences from just one year ago to now if how many of us are working. While many people already had years and years experience working from home, many more were giving a new way of earning a paycheck a try. This article is for the ladder (and maybe for some of you WFH veterans too....there's always more to learn, am i right?). So without further are six tips to make working from home work for you.

1. Create a workspace.

Try to designate a physical space in your home that will serve as your temporary home office. This space should be separate from where you relax or sleep. Invest or ask your company to invest in the proper technology to do your job, including a laptop, monitor, mouse, etc. If you have the room, create whole home office for yourself! Not only will this make "going to and leaving the office feel more normal, it will also allow you to close the door and avoid distractions.

2. Make a calendar.

If you are sharing space with a family member or partner, communicate your schedules, calls, meetings, webinars, or any other activity that might impact the other person. This will not only help the people around you feel less anxious but will help you stay on task. If you have your own space, creating a calendar helps you to feel more like your at the office and less like your last 60-days blended into one, singular long day.

3. Get ready and go to work

Act as if your home office is an actual commuting job. For example, get up, take a shower, get dressed, and have a cup of coffee before ‘leaving for work’. This is a great tip if you are having a hard time adjusting to working from home. By creating a routine, you are training your psyche to distinguish work-time from playtime.

4. Stick to a schedule.

Maintain a detailed to-do list for each day. Sit at your desk at the same time every day and be sure to "leave" at the same time you would if you were still working at the office. Make sure that you are taking a lunch and mini-breaks just as you normally would; they should be part of your priorities. All of this will make returning to the office that much easier.⠀

5. Reward yourself when you complete a task.

When you are settled into a workspace, prepared for the day, and ready to tackle your to-do list, reward yourself with something when you complete a task. Try not to reward yourself with things that could develop into unhealthy habits, though!⠀

6. Allow yourself flexibility.

Working from home takes a little getting used to. Some folks may have trouble walking away from work, thereby putting in way more hours than necessary. Others may have trouble staying on task or getting motivated. In both cases, give yourself the freedom and flexibility to be a work-in-progress. You can always do better tomorrow!


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